Our company has installed the laboratory bioreactor with two autoclavable vessels.
In the bioreactor there are two vessels; the total volume of each is 3 liters; the control over all parameters is carried out by one unit – this structure saves space on the desktop and simplifies the adjustment of the cultivation process.
There are 15 ports in the vessel cover. This makes it possible to install all the necessary and desired electrodes for the operation.
The laboratory bioreactor with two autoclavable vessels, the volume of each is 3 liters. It is equipped with Mettler Toledo pH and DO digital sensors, four automatic mass flow controllers of gases (MFCs), the OPC server, the bioprocess control software, and many other functions that allow the use of this bioreactor for:
• the scientific and research tasks with the development and optimization of fermentation processes;
• the study of the main foundations of the microbial physiology;
• the periodic and continuous cultivation of bacteria, fungi and yeast;
• the cultivation of animal and plant cells; • the micro-scale production of proteins and monoclonal antibodies.