The high-speed tubular centrifuge GQ-105 was put into operation.
The centrifuge is supplied with an extended configuration:
• an additional spare rotor
• a special device for installing, removing and moving of the centrifuge rotor
• a special portable device for monitoring of the wear of the centrifuge drive bearings and the general condition of the equipment.
• a built-in heat-variable resistor
• a touch screen display for information output and centrifuge control
• the equipment provides the technological capability of on-line measurement of the optical density of the culture medium and control of the biomass concentration.
• the equipment provides the technological capability of embedding of the centrifuge control into a single control unit for the technological line of biotechnological equipment (SCADA).
The GQ-105 centrifuge will be used to produce a phospholipase. A phospholipase is a part of compounds for mayonnaises and is a stabilizer that allows to reduce the mass fraction of egg powder in mayonnaise formulations.
A phospholipase is also widely used in the production of oil from sunflower, corn, rapes, peanuts to remove impurities: sterols, tocopherols, hydrocarbons, pigments, etc., which negatively affect the quality, taste, smell and appearance of the final product. The use of phospholipase for industrial purification of sunflowerseed oil can reduce a water consumption and CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by 12,000 tons of CO2 annually. The customer has duly appreciated the quality of equipment manufacturing, configuration and a large set of spare parts and tools.